Mbps and MBps are Not equal..!? Know the exact Technical Definition of Your Internet Speed.

  In Computer Technology, memory is calculated in Bits, Bytes, Kilo Bytes, Mega Bytes, Gigabytes etc.
 1 Bit = either "0" or "1"
1 Byte = 08 Bits  ( Note :  01 Bit = 1/8 Byte )
1 Kilo Byte (KB) = 1024 Bytes
1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 KB
1 Giga Byte (GB) = 1024 MB
1 Tera Byte (TB)  = 1024 GB
1 Peta Byte (PB) = 1024 TB
1 Exa Byte (EB) = 1024 PB
1 Zetta Byte (ZB) = 1024 EB
1 Yotta Byte (YB) = 1024 ZB
---------------------------------- etc.

Internet Speed: 
    Now coming to this in our mobile or computer we can observe speed as kbps, Mbps, MBps.

1 kbps = 1 kilo bits per second = 1,000 bits per second = 1000 x 1/8 Bytes per second = 125 Bytes per second

1 Mbps = 1 Mega bits per second = (1,000 kilo bits per second )= (1,000,000 bits per second)= (1,000,000 x 1/8 Bytes per second) =  ( 125,000 bytes per second) = (125 kilobytes per second) = 125 kbps

4 Mbps = 125 kbps x 4 = 500 kbps

Now  1 MBps = 1 Mega Bytes per second = 8 Megabits per second = 8 x 125 kbps ( as explained earlier) =1000 kbps

1 Mbps = 125 kbps
1 MBps = 1000 kbps
Normally all the Internet Service Providers like BSNL, Airtel, Idea offer their plans in terms of Mbps not in MBps.
 Reliable web tools to check the internet Speed:
Through Browser : http://www.speedtest.net
For Android App : Click Here

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