Rajinikanth website runs without internet..!? How it works Explained.

Image (c) http://www.allaboutrajni.com/
Amazing...Rajni mania Once again proved .
there is a website  http://www.allaboutrajni.com/ about Rajanikanth life. This website runs absolutely without internet.. ha..you heard right..This website runs offline.
As soon as you connect with the internet this web site alerts you  disconnect to continue.

How this website works:
As soon as you enter this website, the browser downloads a swf file in which the whole website is designed, so basically this website developed in one swf file only.( SWF stands for Small Web Format , It is used in many ways as  flash games, FLV videos .To play this swf we need a flashplayer.)
Further , in this swf there a acton script (AS) function which continuously monitor the internet connectivity. so when you connect internet again, this alerts the swf file to stop, thus this fuction stop/starts the swf  as per connectivity. Thus this website runs. Amazing naa. All credit goes to Webchutney’s creative director Gurbaksh Singh. Kudos.

Bottom Line: This website works only on Computer or Laptop with flashplayer installed.
For mobile , we are not sure ,  you can try.

Team iPeena,
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